The team consisted of Andrew, David, Neil & Tony W - Tony B was only there at lunch due to a knee injury and Julian had to drop out due to a poorly fridge and poorly child.
Lud's Church is formed within the thick bed of coarse sandstone known locally as the Roaches Grit. It is believed that the chasm was considered by early Pagans to be a sacred place most likely due to the phenomenon that occurs on midsummer's day where the sun's light penetrates deep into the chasm. Lud is a major Celtic deity associated with many parts of Britain. A number of climbing routes have been pioneered during the 20th century but this is now discouraged to protect the lower plants that have colonised the damp rock-faces.
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The next LOTSW event is planned for December to celebrate Andrew's 'big birthday'.
Thanks for a great day out - yet again we avoided the rain!