Thursday 11 October 2012

Taxal Edge (Oct 2012)

Last of the Summer Wine?
Today saw a reduced LOTSW team out (Tony B, Tony W, Neil G) with 3 men not available (Andrew - no pass, Julian - tradesmen supervision, David - stuck in traffic and gave up and went home).

After coffee/cake (thanks Tony W) the walk today started at Taxal Church CP (50p donations welcome) and followed the Goyt Valley along to Fernilee Reservoir. A few ups and downs took us to Taxal Edge and then down through the fields to Kettleshulme and welcome pint and lunch at The Swan Inn. After lunch was a short 1.5 miles back to the cars up and over Taxal Edge.

The forecast was for torrential rain but in the end there was drizzle for 5 mins and the rest of the walk remained dry.

Plans being drawn up for a pre-Christmas LOTSW - Doodle Poll to follow.


Friday 1 June 2012

Friday 1st June 2012

The LOTSW group were Tony B, Tony W, Andrew & Neil for a walk to celebrate Tony B's 60th birthday. We did a walk around the Heywood area and had lunch at the Pack Horse Inn. The walk had good views across Manchester and afterwards we all celebrated with tea, cake and champagne.

The next walk is planned for September around Macclesfield - Neil will arrange a date/route.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Wednesday 21st March

Whilst the Chancellor put the finishing touches to his speech for the 2012 buget the LOTSW team were out in force (Andrew, David, Julian, Neil, Tony & Tony) for a walk starting by Ridgegate Reservoir and taking in Macc Forest, Nessit Hill, Shutlingsloe, Piggford Moor and the Ryles Arms.

Lunch was good quality but there was much debate about 'chip quantity'. Beer was viewed as 'excellent' - especially the 'Wibbly Wobbly'.

Summit of Shutlingsloe
The walk was just over 8 miles and we enjoyed great weather - just about perfect for walking and 'putting the world to rights'.

The next walk is currently planned for May 30th and is being 'planned' by the 'almost 60' Tony Baxter.