Friday 11 March 2011

The Wirral

The LOTSW group were down to a 'gang of 4' (NG/ARW/AJS/DM) for the walk on the Wirral devised by David. A complex car operation was executed (Tony's car left at Neil's house, Neil's car left at David's house ...) and we all met at the pub at 10.00 for the obligatory coffee before heading off. Once again we were lucky with the weather and managed to avoid any rain (it did rain slightly while we were having lunch).

We all had a very pleasant walk along country lanes, old disused railway lines, the coastline of the Dee (tide was out) - we hardly saw a soul on the beach. We did see a wonderful display of 'swarming' from some birds that we think may have been terns (answers on a postcard please). David provided us with endless nostalgic stories as the whole walk was on his old stomping ground (ask him about after the rugby matches).

The walk, as usual, was rounded off with a fine pint of ale and a bite to eat (and yes, fish and chips were on the menu).

The next walk has been suggested for end May 2011 and a 'Doodle Poll' will be sent out for possible dates.

Thanks to David for a great walk.